Annual General Meeting

“That the amendments to Section 18.0 of the Isolated Children’s Parents’ Association of Australia (Inc) Constitution, as circulated, be adopted.”


18.0 Annual Subscription:  
• delete rule 18.1.1  
• 18.1.2 becomes 18.1.1 and add new Sub-rule 18.1.1 (i). allows State Councils to act as collection agents for federal affiliation fees collected through online membership payments)
• additional wording to Sub-rule 18.1.2 to clarify the manual payment of the annual subscription process
• add the words ‘to the Branch’ to rule 18.2 • New rule 18.3 (taken from deleted rule 6.3)
• rule 18.4 (new 18.5) - delete the words, ‘across all tiers’ to simplify

It is suggested that Sub-rules 18.1.1 and 18.1.2 be swapped around so the electronic payment method is dealt with first this is how the majority of memberships will be paid. Adding a new Sub-rule 18.1.1 (i) allows State Councils to act as collection agents for the federal affiliation fees collected through online membership payments.  

Additional wording to the new Sub-rule 18.1.2 gives more clarity to the manual payment of the annual subscription process.  

The suggested new Rule 18.3 is the deleted Rule 6.3 from Section 6.0 and it has been modified to add further clarity to the manual payment of the annual subscription process. Amendments to Rule 18.4 is grammatical.